Social Value Act
If you are a construction company with Social Value Obligations then Evolve can offer a lot more than apprenticeships.
Social Value Act
At Evolve we are committed to helping the construction industry thrive and giving people as many opportunities to join the sector as possible. Below you will find links to the Social Value Act and more information on the additional services available to our customers.
Labour agency
If you are a construction company looking for staff please contact us with your requirements. We have the infrastructure to support organisations looking for temporary and permanent staff. We have developed our apprenticeship programme to ensure that completers are able to move into paid employment once they have completed their studies. As a not-for-profit organisation we are able to offer very competitive rates.

Evolve has consistently grown as an organisation since it began in 2013. Using our industry expertise and contacts, we are able to offer a one-stop consultancy service to building contractors looking for advice on procurement and social value obligations. We offer the following:
- Establishment or management of corporate responsibility initiatives
- Assisting organisations with job brokerage schemes for local people
- Supporting private, public or third sector organisations with the generation and measurement of social value through procurement
- Joint venture partnership with private sector clients bidding for public works
- Helping developers and local authority partners with employment, skills and community benefit negotiation and management within the planning process
Are you interested in speaking with Evolve?
Please send us a message using the form below and we will be in touch shortly.
About Evolve
Evolve is a not for profit organisation, registered as a social enterprise, that manages the CITB Shared Apprenticeship Scheme in London, Birmingham and the West Midlands and it has responded to industry demand.
The Evolve team has experience across the sector including education, employment, and working with young people.
Registered Office:
1 Waterside Station Road,

London Office:
By appointment only
WeWork, 30 Churchill Place
London E14 5RE
T: 020 3744 0200